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 on: January 27, 2010, 15:17 
Started by Scyengineer - Last post by Knight236
me or forver

 on: January 23, 2010, 19:28 
Started by Scyengineer - Last post by Scyengineer
I'd like to join you all! 8-) Who do I talk to for joining up?

 on: January 05, 2010, 13:29 
Started by Knight236 - Last post by Knight236   

 on: December 23, 2009, 15:07 
Started by Metakyo - Last post by Knight236
nice pic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 on: December 21, 2009, 12:21 
Started by Knight236 - Last post by ZombieR
For those trying to keep track of the X-mas Safari:

2Snowflake DecalCrypt of HomeBroken Shores
3LanternMini Galway ManorGalway County
4Santa's BagNature ReserveGalway County
5X-mas LightsLookout TreeCentral Artery Valley
6BeardHidden OasisWailing Wastes
7SnowballNotum CannonsClondyke
8Stocking DecalVersailles TowerPleasant Meadows
9Icicles / Holiday HologramNotum TreeAvalon
10Gingerbread HecklerHot SpringsAvalon
11Holiday Hologram BlastErgo's CaveStret West Bank
12Christmas DinnerShade & Sandworm HabitatGreater Tir County

 on: December 16, 2009, 11:03 
Started by Metakyo - Last post by Metakyo
So ok, I took some picks using an alt and like logged on about 7 players on lol for a little thing I like to call, RANDOM X-MAS PICTURE!! But yeah alot of people came. (not really, but more than i expected) but yeah here is a pic, also I will start posting random things here that i do so i guess this will become my Kyo's random screenshots post. Enjoy amigos. Also, try finding my (6) toons.  Grin

 on: December 15, 2009, 12:32 
Started by Knight236 - Last post by ZombieR
okay what it seems is every day (for 12 days) there will be a new quest, perhaps for a reward.. this is the x-mas Safari! you can find the npc lady near the giant white dog in borealis, there might be others in other cities, i don't know.

also, returning are the quests involving the leets standing near Christmas trees. talk to them and they'll send you on a sometimes harrowing search for items they want. if they ask for a treatment laboratory.. just hand them one laboratory. you can split items by holding down CTRL, right-click on the item and hold, then pull the mouse up or down to adjust the amount.

finally yes, at tower sites there's anteleets with moose horns that give out all types of past and present Christmas gear (but not ALL past gear) and ice leets that drop strange ice machines which unfortunately turned out not to be doomsday devices that would allow me to plunge RK into a frigid, icy plague. i won't tell you what they actually do, but to make them work you have to collect 8 different snowflakes which drop from the iceleets, then load the snowflakes into the machine

have a good holiday.. "good golf.. good tennis or whatever makes you happy" Smiley

 on: December 14, 2009, 22:41 
Started by Knight236 - Last post by Knight236
so far i have found santa leets on tower sites ,anf of course the one in bor by wompas !

 on: December 02, 2009, 18:00 
Started by Ruja - Last post by ZombieR
FC has fixed the updating problem and the bots are now able to update org rosters with the character lookup.

 on: November 26, 2009, 11:27 
Started by Ruja - Last post by ZombieR
hi, the main .xml database which the bot uses to update it's roster still appears to be out-of-date. you can read the "official" reponse here:

unfortuneatly, this coincides with another problem bots have been having lately surrounding connection limits being enforced. so even when the roster updates, some unforseen problems may persist that require new code to be written and it's beyond my expertise.

FC have removed the stickies to help players update the bots and probably no longer advocate helpbot or any other bots as they have discovered character lookups (!whois queries from the bot) reportedly generate alot of in-game traffic.

also, you were added to the notify list but the roster is checked periodically by the bot and if it finds someone not in the org or perhaps a player that doesn't yet exist in the .xml database, it likely removes them from the notify list, but it doesn't work perfectly, which results in some players remaining on the list even after they leave the org. also !notify commands can be abused so it is not regularly enabled

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