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  • Sunday Meeting: May 10, 2009
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Author Topic: Sunday Meeting - May 10, 2009  (Read 640 times)
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« on: May 10, 2009, 04:57 »

[10:02] Coprocessor: oh right okay then time for sunday meeting of the defiant..
[10:02] Dfnt: [Guest] Madelinne: where?
[10:02] Coprocessor: a very special meeting to discuss current situation and future of the org
[10:02] Coprocessor: (we are @ same place every week usually, on top of the tall roof above fair trade in borealis)
[10:03] Dfnt: [Guest] Madelinne: yeahyeah stupid question
[10:03] Dfnt: [Guest] Madelinne: gimme a minute
[10:03] Dfnt: [Guest] Madelinne: b
[10:03] Dfnt: [Guest] Madelinne: r
[10:03] [Buddy] Mistichottie logged on
[10:03] [Out. Msg.] Mistichottie: Meeting Info: No additional meeting info is available at this time. Standard meeting times are Sunday @ 1500 GMT. Enter /played into the chatbar to see the current time. [set by Coprocessor][0days, 0hrs and 50mins ago]
[10:03] Dfnt: [Guest] Madelinne: b
[10:03] Dfnt: Madelinne left the Guestchannel.
[10:03] Coprocessor: anyways, there was an incident lately, it cause many players to leave already, i don't think any of them could give a clear answer if they tried because it a complex situation
[10:04] [Buddy] Prissia logged on
[10:04] [Out. Msg.] Prissia: Meeting Info: No additional meeting info is available at this time. Standard meeting times are Sunday @ 1500 GMT. Enter /played into the chatbar to see the current time. [set by Coprocessor][0days, 0hrs and 51mins ago]
[10:04] Dfnt: "Prissia" (Level 24/0 - , Female Solitus Meta-Physicist, Squad Commander of The Defiant) logged on.
[10:04] Prissia: Hello Defiant
[10:04] Relliks: Hi Prissia
[10:04] Antiquebob: Hello
[10:05] Coprocessor: to me it is a private matter but it got involved in the org, i mean you never know really the type of people you deal with online but here it has been made into an open book and involves members of the defiant, i don't know how to address it because it seems inappropriate to talk about private matters
[10:06] Prissia: You started already?
[10:06] Coprocessor: the problem is that already many people have heard the story and decided to take it @ face value
[10:06] Coprocessor: yes just started
[10:06] Coprocessor: i had hoped people that knew what happened better would be around for the meeting and bring it up..
[10:06] Prissia: Do we need to do this inchannel?
[10:06] Coprocessor: so that i could berate them for talking about private stuff that shouldn't be public :F
[10:07] Coprocessor: oh yes we have meeting in org channel
[10:07] Prissia: im talking about what has transpired yesterday and made several members leave again
[10:07] Coprocessor: anyways, i also don't know if anyone has asked heather if she wanted all this told to every person that plays the game..
[10:08] Coprocessor: oh yes people seem to want to know, others wanted to talk about it but left the org before meeting
[10:08] Coprocessor: do you have any thing to say about it?
[10:08] Coprocessor: all i know is what purple told me
[10:09] Prissia: The problem is I only chatted with Heather yesterday.. And that was something between me and her
[10:09] Coprocessor: i am very frustrated by it so, and since it effects org to such a degree
[10:09] Prissia: I heard some chatter afterwards from some members who left
[10:09] Coprocessor: okay i totally understand
[10:09] Prissia: and based on that story I do believe that I was having hard feelings about Knight and the situation within Defiant
[10:09] Coprocessor: yes that is problem now it become public
[10:10] Prissia: a.k.a. I was thinking about leaving as well after that
[10:10] Dfnt: Antiquebob logged off
[10:10] Coprocessor: yes i understand he is president of org afterall
[10:10] Prissia: leadership demands rolemodelship. But since I do not gotten full specs, I decided to wait till more info was available
[10:11] [Buddy] Antiquebob logged on
[10:11] [Out. Msg.] Antiquebob: Meeting Info: No additional meeting info is available at this time. Standard meeting times are Sunday @ 1500 GMT. Enter /played into the chatbar to see the current time. [set by Coprocessor][0days, 0hrs and 58mins ago]
[10:11] Dfnt: "Antiquebob" (Level 41/0 - , Male Solitus Nano-Technician, Unit Member of The Defiant) logged on.
[10:11] Coprocessor: ah that is very patient of you :I
[10:11] Prissia: So what happens now?
[10:11] Antiquebob: where is the meeting in bor?
[10:12] Prissia: Since it has become a fullblown story, does anyone want to step up who can talk for Heather or Knight?
[10:12] Coprocessor: i don't know, first i guess knight if he is not around well, an org can't function without president for long
[10:12] [Buddy] Mistichottie logged on
[10:12] [Out. Msg.] Mistichottie: Meeting Info: No additional meeting info is available at this time. Standard meeting times are Sunday @ 1500 GMT. Enter /played into the chatbar to see the current time. [set by Coprocessor][0days, 0hrs and 59mins ago]
[10:12] Dfnt: Mistichottie logged off
[10:12] Coprocessor: yes unfortuneatly now i feel that people are probably like "huh?"
[10:13] Coprocessor: lots people know what has happened so they left, i don't quite understand why but the reasons you cite make sense
[10:14] Coprocessor: and also it's very uncomfortable situation, knight have fights with heather and others before
[10:14] Coprocessor: and unfortuneate to me because i don't think knight should be in a jail but in some place to get treatment
[10:15] Coprocessor: so i am very lost here as to what to do or say..
[10:15] Coprocessor: besides to talk about the logistics and stuff related to the org or whatever
[10:15] Prissia: !online
[10:15] Dfnt: 9 members are online ¤ [link]Click here[/link]
[10:15] Prissia: Where are the other Generals?
[10:16] Coprocessor: hmm they left!
[10:16] Relliks: those r the 1's that have gone
[10:16] Coprocessor: @ least 3
[10:16] Relliks: We r in serious trouble
[10:16] Coprocessor: others could step in possibly to help knight, forver and knight trade leadership in the past
[10:17] Prissia: !whois shadoweagle
[10:17] Dfnt: "Shadoweagle" (Level 12/0 - None, Male Opifex Fixer, Omni, Not in a guild.) ¤ [link]click for more options[/link]
[10:17] Relliks: any1 seen Forver lately
[10:17] Coprocessor: but i don't know if he would want to now or not, or if he could, and i don't know where knight is
[10:17] Coprocessor: in a week things might change and such
[10:18] Coprocessor: heather came back online later in the night
[10:18] Prissia: Relliks, what's you take on this?
[10:18] Prissia: ah
[10:18] Prissia: and?
[10:18] Coprocessor: she did not say anything but it was encouraging to see her around
[10:18] Coprocessor: it was in middle of tower attack
[10:19] Coprocessor: i hope she is doing okay, so it was nice to see her around
[10:19] Relliks: If she logs again I will chat with her
[10:19] Prissia: Hm. We need to see if Knight can still come online to have a brief discussion
[10:19] [Buddy] Mistichottie logged on
[10:19] [Out. Msg.] Mistichottie: Meeting Info: No additional meeting info is available at this time. Standard meeting times are Sunday @ 1500 GMT. Enter /played into the chatbar to see the current time. [set by Coprocessor][0days, 1hrs and 7mins ago]
[10:19] Dfnt: Mistichottie logged off
[10:20] Prissia: As is, stated the facts, I feel the need to ask him to demote himself.
[10:20] Relliks: For now this org is in big trouble we have lost some of most commited again
[10:20] [Buddy] Pawnpwner889 logged on
[10:20] [Out. Msg.] Pawnpwner889: Meeting Info: No additional meeting info is available at this time. Standard meeting times are Sunday @ 1500 GMT. Enter /played into the chatbar to see the current time. [set by Coprocessor][0days, 1hrs and 7mins ago]
[10:20] Dfnt: "Pawnpwner889" (Level 128/0 - , Neuter Atrox Enforcer, General of The Defiant) logged on.
[10:20] Relliks: wb Pawn
[10:20] Dfnt: Pawnpwner889 has joined the Guestchannel.
[10:20] Prissia: but as you know, I haven't been on too much within Dfnt to do org related issues
[10:20] Coprocessor: oh hey where have you been?
[10:21] Prissia: afk sec
[10:21] Dfnt: Prissia is now AFK
[10:21] Coprocessor: okie
[10:21] Coprocessor: well.. the situation is uncomfortable to me and so i want to resolve it as soon as possible, but i'm not sure it can
[10:22] Relliks: This time neither am I
[10:22] Dfnt: Bhzdraven (Lvl 62/Adventurer/Elite Operations/Neutral) attacked the Clan organization Army of Virtue´s tower in Varmint Woods(1126x1558, HUGEMAP #8) [link]Advanced Info[/link]
[10:22] Relliks: Last time Knight moved aside - with Forver
[10:23] Relliks: Don't think that will work again
[10:23] Coprocessor: oh yes, well if knight can.. he'll be back in game causing rukus :F
[10:23] Prissia: afk
[10:23] Dfnt: Prissia is back
[10:23] Coprocessor: in a week.. 2 weeks.. i don't know how heather feels
[10:24] Coprocessor: the people that leave probably have no clue about knight's condition because mental illness is difficult to understand
[10:24] Coprocessor: it would be hard to have a mindset to understand something that is different
[10:24] Relliks: That's the point in the end Defiant is the Knight - loss of trust in him may b to much
[10:25] [Buddy] Sneedle logged on
[10:25] [Out. Msg.] Sneedle: Meeting Info: No additional meeting info is available at this time. Standard meeting times are Sunday @ 1500 GMT. Enter /played into the chatbar to see the current time. [set by Coprocessor][0days, 1hrs and 12mins ago]
[10:25] Dfnt: Tomas "Sneedle" McKechnie (Level 37/0 - , Male Solitus Martial Artist, Applicant of The Defiant) logged on.
[10:25] Relliks: wb
[10:25] Coprocessor: yes i know things get bad for him, i did not expect to happen like this..
[10:25] Sneedle: hello
[10:25] Coprocessor: you sneak into our meeting :F
[10:26] Sneedle: sorry, thought this was an open meeting, at least it used to be
[10:26] Coprocessor: it is Tongue
[10:26] Relliks: yes it is Co only funning
[10:26] Coprocessor: i mean you just suddenly appear :I
[10:27] Coprocessor: i am very frustrated with knight for this too
[10:27] Prissia: Anyone know where Forver is?
[10:27] Coprocessor: it's something also that i wish could be worked out in private, not like some celebrity news show
[10:28] Coprocessor: hey he usually is on @ this time
[10:28] Antiquebob: I have an off topic question when ever you guys get a chance or after the meeting
[10:28] Relliks: k
[10:28] Coprocessor: okay sure go ahead antique
[10:28] Coprocessor: this is unorthodox meeting because of circumstances
[10:28] Relliks: trouble is this is public now can't put back in box
[10:28] Coprocessor: yeah really
[10:29] Antiquebob: I am a n00b org member and knight told me about the org bank/ weapons and armor storage, are those banks somthing I can look at?
[10:29] Coprocessor: oh hey yeah, it's stored on different characters, can't actually look @ the stuff but if need something maybe we can find it
[10:29] Relliks: There are those who have access & can look in 4 you for items
[10:29] Relliks: I'm not 1 of them
[10:30] Coprocessor: !guest invite enforzaa
[10:30] Dfnt: Enforzaa has been invited to the Guestchannel.
[10:30] Dfnt: Enforzaa has joined the Guestchannel.
[10:30] Antiquebob: ok cool stuff, Im' okay right now just a lil' short on creds, just wanted to see what kinda stuff is out there
[10:30] Dfnt: [Guest] Enforzaa: Helloo
[10:30] Relliks: hi Enfo
[10:30] Coprocessor: okay there is probably some armor and lame weapons Smiley
[10:30] Antiquebob: and nice to meet whoever I have not yet Smiley
[10:31] Coprocessor: if know what you want maybe can find something, unfortuneatly most items not transferred
[10:31] Coprocessor: (we have two banks and some items not transferred over)
[10:31] Antiquebob: ahhh, not a problem, im probably ok for a few more lvls
[10:31] Coprocessor: okie then well think about things like weapons or whatever that can be useful
[10:31] Relliks: We can bat this prob around but don't have solution myself
[10:32] Pawnpwner889: well i gtg to church in 10 mins, might as well get ready, cya td
[10:32] Relliks: Think maybe wait a couple days see how settles
[10:32] Dfnt: Pawnpwner889 logged off
[10:32] Dfnt: Pawnpwner889 left the Guestchannel.
[10:32] Antiquebob: later pawn
[10:32] Coprocessor: it's probably best to wait sure
[10:33] Relliks: Heard Pawn might have left - glad c is here at moment
[10:33] Relliks: This situ may cost us tower sites too
[10:33] Coprocessor: oh yes that good reason why so many towers gone too
[10:34] Coprocessor: but hey we were attacked
[10:34] Coprocessor: !battle the defiant
[10:34] Dfnt: [link]Tower Battle Report[/link]
[10:34] Relliks: yea I understood after hearing of leavers
[10:34] Coprocessor: yeah they destroy like 20 towers i think
[10:34] Antiquebob: how can I tell if I still have my tower?
[10:34] Relliks: We will have trouble holding if attacked
[10:35] Coprocessor: okay target self and hit "T"
[10:36] Antiquebob: under master of?
[10:36] Dfnt: Biancha has joined the Guestchannel.
[10:36] Relliks: scroll right to bottom will show towers if still got
[10:36] Prissia: Hi there biancha
[10:37] Relliks: wb Biancha
[10:37] Dfnt: [Guest] Biancha: hello
[10:37] Antiquebob: nope looks like it is gone...
[10:37] Prissia: So ok, what are we planning to do with this? Anyone able to contact Knight?
[10:38] Dfnt: Ariensky has joined the Guestchannel.
[10:39] Relliks: Hi Arien
[10:39] Prissia: Relliks, it might take some time before Knight gets back and untill then we can't resolve matters at hand
[10:39] Prissia: you're next in line in the chain of command.. You willing to provide temporary leadership for the org?
[10:40] Relliks: I'm always here to help - that's what I do
[10:40] Prissia: Ok, so can we agree that then you will be prez for the time being?
[10:40] Coprocessor: hey some of the people that left i think were just waiting for an excuse, and this was a pretty good one :F
[10:40] Coprocessor: it seems fine to me!
[10:40] Prissia: Anyone opposed?
[10:40] Coprocessor: no i think is good first step
[10:41] Prissia: waiting for an excuse for what?
[10:41] Prissia: To leave?
[10:41] Dfnt: [Guest] Nanomagos: hello
[10:41] Coprocessor: i worry though, what if people found out i'm a serial killer..
[10:41] Relliks: yea spoken to some this was last straw 4 some
[10:41] Coprocessor: this would be very bad for my in game relations
[10:41] Relliks: Oh we know that already
[10:41] Prissia: ok, I do believe that can be because of the stress situations they were put in.
[10:41] Dfnt: [Guest] Nanomagos: yes we know
[10:42] Coprocessor: oh.. well that's a relief
[10:42] Prissia: either leaving or demoting, org rank which go high can be a responsibility
[10:42] Prissia: (burden?)
[10:42] Prissia: Coprocessor, you still got contact with the members who left?
[10:42] Coprocessor: yes i bet you are probably right
[10:43] Coprocessor: oh well they make there own org, also some wanted to leave before
[10:43] Prissia: Hmm personally I hate those Defiant spinnoffs
[10:43] Coprocessor: some of them DID leave and rejoined, i don't think they were totally happy with the org dynamic
[10:43] Coprocessor: oh haha i don't want to say anything, i wish them well if is a serious org effort
[10:44] Prissia: I do believe we need to have a strong chat with Knight once he gets back and ask for him standing down
[10:44] Coprocessor: but it fractures neutrals into many orgs
[10:44] Prissia: if that is what most of his generals would want.
[10:44] Coprocessor: i wish even that defiant would have merged with bigger org long ago before became so independent
[10:44] Relliks: That might happen yet
[10:44] Prissia: Hmm.. ok, coprocessor, it would mean that you would need to step up to a general kinda position
[10:45] Prissia: you up for that?
[10:45] Coprocessor: yes, to me this should have been private matter, but i'm not bothered by way it transpired either, it might have been for the best
[10:45] Dfnt: Fuzzytank logged off
[10:45] Relliks: We cannot survive all the experience keep going
[10:45] Coprocessor: so though knight is same crazy leader as before others have lost confidence in him
[10:45] Prissia: ok, but what do we want as org?
[10:46] Coprocessor: and also i really want to hear what heather has to say, knight and heather are really the only people i want to hear this story from
[10:46] Relliks: you & me both
[10:46] Dfnt: Sneedle logged off
[10:46] Prissia: ok, but we are trying to discuss what has transpired and how that my influence the org
[10:46] Prissia: *may
[10:46] Prissia: someone needs to talk with Cat to see what they want
[10:47] Prissia: they were the old Generals
[10:47] Dfnt: Enforzaa left the Guestchannel.
[10:47] Coprocessor: oh yeah, i just totally expected leileena to show up and wail on knight :F
[10:47] Coprocessor: so am caught off guard by her absence :F
[10:47] Relliks: Already spoken to Hot & Ragg they will not tolerate what happened if true
[10:48] Prissia: so what do they want him to do?
[10:48] Dfnt: Antiquebob logged off
[10:48] Coprocessor: well i understand that totally, especially when know the character of someone
[10:49] Coprocessor: to me though things aren't so black in white, but i also understand the way they see it
[10:49] Coprocessor: and what if knight would step down?
[10:49] [Buddy] Antiquebob logged on
[10:49] [Out. Msg.] Antiquebob: Meeting Info: No additional meeting info is available at this time. Standard meeting times are Sunday @ 1500 GMT. Enter /played into the chatbar to see the current time. [set by Coprocessor][0days, 1hrs and 36mins ago]
[10:49] Dfnt: "Antiquebob" (Level 41/0 - , Male Solitus Nano-Technician, Unit Member of The Defiant) logged on.
[10:49] Relliks: Don't think they expect him 2 do anything - just wont stay in org with him
[10:49] Coprocessor: i think knight needs a timeout anyways
[10:49] Coprocessor: i mean to say, i think a break could do him good
[10:50] Coprocessor: oh yeah i don't expect those that left to come back
[10:50] Prissia: we cant decide for him what's best
[10:50] Coprocessor: the whole org could leave and knight comes back angry, he ninja recruit 10000 people
[10:51] Relliks: yep he would & a year on we go through same thing again
[10:51] Coprocessor: yes you're right i just hope he tries to do the right thing now, since can't change what has happened, i  wish this had not happened, i didn't think he would do something like this
[10:51] Coprocessor: yes relliks i didn't really think of it, but yeah :|
[10:51] Coprocessor: so i don't want to do this yet again
[10:52] Prissia: ok, so it happend. Are we going to continue with him or do the people who do not wich to be in an org with him because of what happend just leave?
[10:52] Prissia: Fine with me, because then i'll leave the org as well.
[10:53] Coprocessor: oh if the others don't come back you mean?
[10:53] Relliks: Hold our ground 4 a week see how things pan out - then we will meet to c if we can survive
[10:53] Relliks: I would like 2 c if Lear or Forver come on so can talk
[10:54] Prissia: well, I hate talking about possible scenario's about whatif's (knight come back, what he should do and how that effects other members)
[10:54] Prissia: so agree that's a good idea relliks
[10:54] Coprocessor: yes i like talking about possible scenarios, so don't get me started Cheesy
[10:54] Prissia: lol
[10:54] Relliks: Smiley
[10:55] Relliks: We hold the ground 4 the org Defiant not individuals
[10:55] Prissia: sounds good for me.
[10:56] Prissia: we want to take in a standpoint towards Knight?
[10:56] Relliks: If Knight stood down & Forver can't or wont pick up we have to decide capable new Prez
[10:56] Coprocessor: even though i may not sound serious when i talk about it and defend knight it's because he's not here, i am very upset with what he did
[10:57] Coprocessor: @ same time there are extenuating circumstances, i think no one cares to hear that
[10:57] Coprocessor: so some of the peopel that left i think had other compounding reasons to go
[10:57] Coprocessor: not hotti or raggo
[10:57] Prissia: hmpf.
[10:58] Coprocessor: so i don't think any of them will want to come back especially if what say about raggo and hottie are true
[10:58] Prissia: what about raggo and hottie?
[10:58] Prissia: i missed that
[10:58] Relliks: Raggo has made quite clear was unhappy b4
[10:58] Coprocessor: yeah what relliks said
[10:59] Relliks: They have had decisions overturned without discussion - that was undermining & upsetting
[11:00] Prissia: hottie left as well?
[11:00] Dfnt: [Guest] Nanomagos: yes
[11:00] Coprocessor: yes they are two peas in a pod Smiley
[11:00] Prissia: ah
[11:00] Coprocessor: (nanomagos is the third pea..)
[11:00] Dfnt: Ravemar has joined the Guestchannel.
[11:00] Relliks: Hi Rave
[11:00] Prissia: ah nice
[11:01] Prissia: hiya rave
[11:01] Dfnt: [Guest] Ravemar: hey
[11:01] Coprocessor: this is to me really silly over the whole org thing, but on the other side, the situation is really serious
[11:01] [Buddy] Hottietrade logged on
[11:01] [Out. Msg.] Hottietrade: Meeting Info: No additional meeting info is available at this time. Standard meeting times are Sunday @ 1500 GMT. Enter /played into the chatbar to see the current time. [set by Coprocessor][0days, 1hrs and 49mins ago]
[11:01] Coprocessor: there was this girl, this is very sad..
[11:02] Coprocessor: i read about this in digital alliance forum about a year ago
[11:02] Coprocessor: she was member of their org i guess some years back, and her boyfriend had hit her
[11:02] Coprocessor: she suffered severe brain damage but it was not immediate.. it took a year for her and she had serious trauma
[11:03] Relliks: aint we depressed enough
[11:03] Coprocessor: she recovered some but the doctors told her she would die, and she did talk to the members and such, then someone finally posted that she had died
[11:03] Coprocessor: i know am sorry, it reminded me of that, so it really is serious, this was about the worst thing i ever read
[11:04] Dfnt: Mistichottie logged off
[11:04] Coprocessor: okay well i probably should not have brought that up afterall Sad
[11:05] Antiquebob: very deprssing meeting guys...
[11:05] Relliks: A weeks grace then so we can think on things & talk to peeps then we will reconvene
[11:05] Coprocessor: sure yeah
[11:06] Coprocessor: hey i said solemn meeting of the defiant :S
[11:06] Coprocessor: though to be fair i thought solemn meant we would go skiing
[11:06] Antiquebob: yes you did
[11:06] Relliks: Smiley
[11:07] Prissia: hmm I do wonder.. will Heather and Knight remain in the same org?
[11:07] Relliks: I don't want any1 donating anything more to the org whilst this situ last
[11:08] Dfnt: [Guest] Nanomagos: yes donate to me only Wink
[11:08] Coprocessor: oh yeah, well i have to say i don't know what will happen between them
[11:08] Prissia: Goes without speaking that when I have to choose side, I made up my mind
[11:09] Coprocessor: well is why i wanted to hear from heather about how things are, though it probably shouldn't matter because it doesn't change what actually happened, it somehow does
[11:09] Relliks: I have no side only the org & those in it
[11:10] Coprocessor: well that's really all we can control afterall.. if even..
[11:11] Coprocessor: okay so if have time also place some towers in varmint woods for those that are still here :F
[11:11] Coprocessor: and is good ppint to stop donations
[11:12] Coprocessor: that cause problems before actually
[11:12] Relliks: yes it did
[11:12] Coprocessor: well then anything else to say?
[11:13] Dfnt: Hottietrade logged off
[11:13] Relliks: no just gonna shoot something- make me feel better
[11:13] Coprocessor: >:I
[11:13] Coprocessor: okay then meeting adjourned!
« Last Edit: May 10, 2009, 16:24 by admin » Logged
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