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  • Sunday Meeting / Org AI Raid: July 12, 2009
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Author Topic: Sunday Meeting - July 12th, 2009  (Read 656 times)
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« on: July 12, 2009, 18:29 »

Log from the main meeting, topics included making money for the org, AI raids, cities and manners.. here's a screenshot from the first meeting in the new city ...

[10:14] Knight236: Good Morning Mighty ones and Honored Friends.Welcome to the 109th sunday meeting of THE MIGHTY DEFIANT. (JULY 12TH)
[10:14] Dfnt: [Guest] Urbantarzan: Hi Forver
[10:15] Knight236: By Defiant tradition,we take a moment to give thanks(u may thank who ever u wish).Lord ty, We have seen friends come an go,but the defiant is stronger than ever before.As a faithkeeper i ask that you keep an eye out for these friends,our guest's and the Defiant.ty lord --you rock!!!!
[10:15] Dfnt: [Guest] Ariensky: Amen
[10:15] Knight236: amen
[10:15] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: amen
[10:15] Heatherstone: Amen
[10:15] Relliks: amen
[10:15] Epikenfo: amen
[10:15] Maakay: AmEn
[10:15] Defiantseye: amen
[10:16] Forver: Amen
[10:16] Knight236: Topic "that cold hard cash"  -we need it  we can operate city for 10 months-----then org goes broke---------eeek-----so work it, u have a good day--put a lil in org bank
[10:16] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: Aye
[10:16] Epikenfo: that isn't good
[10:16] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: Org has reserves, but no need to empty those before getting to work...
[10:17] Heatherstone: whats the best kind of work?
[10:17] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: Well, Alien raids drop some good loot occasionally
[10:17] Knight236: will let leil feild that one
[10:17] Dfnt: Urbantarzan left the Guestchannel.
[10:18] Epikenfo: if ppl are willing to, we could do a donation type thing
[10:18] Knight236: we need a farming section on web
[10:18] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: There's also other things you can do to make cash. But I think if everyone who gets good stuff from the aliens donates a slight bit to org we'll have enough for upkeep.
[10:19] Forver: or we could simply do a 1% tax
[10:19] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: Tax on sales or tax on org members?
[10:19] Knight236: ever try to tax a defiant, sir?
[10:19] Dfnt: [Guest] Johnic: on memeber
[10:19] Epikenfo: where does the money go if we buy from the bartender?
[10:19] Dfnt: [Guest] Johnic: we have no market for sales
[10:19] Ghanimapl: im for the tax option on org members its good option and fair for all
[10:20] Dfnt: Urbaneng has joined the Guestchannel.
[10:20] Forver: Bot will take 1% from each player online every 4 hours
[10:20] Defiantseye: i can donate a couple of things
[10:20] Dfnt: [Guest] Ariensky: the bartender serves PhunCom.. they go to SOL banking (they are a money sink)
[10:20] Epikenfo: every 4 hours!
[10:20] Coprocessor: okay we try this before it was a disaster
[10:20] Dfnt: [Guest] Johnic: Ok I have seen this not work for many reason
[10:20] Coprocessor: and it's every 2 hours
[10:20] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: It's every 2 hours, and I don't think it's a %, it's more like a set number of credits
[10:21] Forver: 2 , ok
[10:21] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: Which makes no difference weither someone is a lvl 1 or a level 220
[10:21] Dfnt: [Guest] Urbaneng: leil is right
[10:21] Knight236: may i suggest u run that by zombie-------not sure if u can tax that way
[10:21] Maakay: i agree leil
[10:21] Coprocessor: yeah it's flatrate and causes trouble for low levels, even if money could be totally raised that way it has many problems
[10:21] Dfnt: [Guest] Urbaneng: its not % .. its fixed amount
[10:21] Dfnt: [Guest] Johnic: It is far for those who can afford it and also remember it taxes the bot Smiley
[10:22] Dfnt: [Guest] Ariensky: You could have a gentlemans agreement, that any AI loot you sell, you will give 10% of that to the org bank..
[10:22] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: I'm all for that
[10:22] Knight236: had peeps wantin me dead over 5k------so give it ur best shot forver
[10:22] Epikenfo: that works
[10:22] Dfnt: Dercus your timer named mins org meet has gone off
[10:22] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: I belive defiant to be trustworthy enough to make something like that happen
[10:23] Knight236: agreed will just take time
[10:23] Ghanimapl: one question for org taxing, what about toons that hav no cred bot will kick those toons or simply they wony pay?
[10:24] Epikenfo: we can't just kick them from org!
[10:24] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: They'll be in debt, and can't communicate on org channel untill they pay the debt
[10:24] Siren48: I'm all for giving money to the org, but, I'm level 60, and this is my main toon. 10% could be a new nano or implant..
[10:24] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: Which has indeed coused problems with the bot in the past :S
[10:24] Coprocessor: oh hey siren, it's just for items found in the raids
[10:24] Siren48: From what I've heard, at higher levels, credits come a lot easier.
[10:24] Ghanimapl: nonono i dont want to kick them, what is bot program then, when toons wont have money on accounts
[10:24] Dfnt: [Guest] Ariensky: Siren, the org helped you get the AI loot you sold..
[10:24] Siren48: Oh
[10:24] Knight236: if forver does make a tax--other defiant will cover you
[10:24] Maakay: where to sold the AI loot?
[10:25] Siren48: I barely know what a raid is. I missed that part.
[10:25] Epikenfo: lol
[10:25] Dfnt: [Guest] Ariensky: sadly, as this city is instanced, you will have to use the trade channel..
[10:25] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: We can do some level 60 raids soonish Siren Smiley
[10:25] Epikenfo: i know chromosomez has a lot of raids
[10:25] Maakay: i got a full backpack of AI weps...
[10:25] Knight236: Smiley
[10:25] Epikenfo: what about froobs
[10:25] Relliks: we still have the offer of using shops
[10:26] Dfnt: [Guest] Urbaneng: yes
[10:26] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: I'll give 50% of what I get from AI raids to org, other 50% will go to developing the charracter that conducts the raids and buying CRU
[10:26] Epikenfo: froobs can't do raids
[10:26] Coprocessor: okay the tax on ai stuff would just be for stuff found from aliens attacking the city
[10:26] Dfnt: [Guest] Johnic: Froobs can do ground raids
[10:26] Dfnt: [Guest] Ariensky: and Defiant has a rare gift: low lvl AI raids.. most do not do that, hence there is a large demand for low QL AI stuff for twinks (twinks of rich people)
[10:26] Knight236: ya they can---just cant workk cc tower
[10:27] Epikenfo: when i went to a raid, i didn't see anything
[10:27] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: how much doesn an AI1 CR go for these days? Tongue
[10:27] Knight236: ty arien-brings me to next topic
[10:27] Epikenfo: !items AI1 CR
[10:27] Dfnt: No items found. Maybe try fewer keywords.
[10:27] Knight236: topic "manners" i was not happy the other day when heather signed off--because no one could even say "wb" . That is bs DEFIANT-------------TAKES 1 SEC TO TYPE WB. REALLY ALL IT TAKES. There has been several coplaints about cursing as well.Use your mind not your ego. i can and will insult you 1000 ways without saying 1 curse word. Granted--i understand the need to say "shit--and damit" and a few other words--just try to keep it clean. Defiant is the best org in game ,i know this because i only work with the best
[10:27] Epikenfo: !items alien 1
[10:27] Dfnt: No items found. Maybe try fewer keywords.
[10:29] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: okay...
[10:29] Coprocessor: i don't think the player that did this is here right now but also it's important for leaders to not over react to situations
[10:29] Knight236: agreed
[10:29] Knight236: wb
[10:30] Coprocessor: there is an ignore feature in the game i remind players to use that if have a problem with a certain member
[10:30] Knight236: wb
[10:30] Knight236: took a sec
[10:30] Epikenfo: b
[10:30] Epikenfo: wb
[10:30] Maakay: wb
[10:30] Maakay: really a sec
[10:30] Defiantseye: b
[10:30] Defiantseye: wb
[10:30] Epikenfo: well sometimes if your stuck in a tough fight/mish, you forget to look at the chat
[10:30] Dfnt: [Guest] Ariensky: I might ignore you all at times, I am playing around witht he /filter codes. and that results in crashes as well as ignoreing everything, once in a while
[10:31] Knight236: it happens----just try
[10:31] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: wouldn't be arien if she wasn't messing with new features Tongue
[10:31] Knight236: heather pointed out to me today what i already knew----peeps like to be wb
[10:32] Knight236: topic "city" ok i shall let other faithkeepers speak on this -they know more than i
[10:32] Knight236: all urs prez, faithleepers
[10:33] Forver: Yes, I logged an alt and was ignored the other day.\
[10:33] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: aww *hugs forver*
[10:33] Epikenfo: Sad sometimes i get ignored
[10:33] Zogon: it really not a nice guild
[10:34] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: huh?
[10:34] Knight236: ?
[10:34] Maakay: lol ?
[10:34] Dfnt: [Guest] Ariensky: you should see other orgs then, if you do nto think this is a nice one Wink
[10:34] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: just becouse sometimes people are busy and not watching chat doesn't mean all ppl in this org are ignoring you :F
[10:34] Epikenfo: i think this is a nice org
[10:35] Epikenfo: defiant has nice ppl
[10:35] Knight236: what leil said
[10:35] Knight236: and us all
[10:36] Coprocessor: hey, half time i spend in game i am afk, maybe other are like me or they are in combat
[10:36] Coprocessor: hey what about the city?
[10:36] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: ah yes the city
[10:36] Epikenfo: ive been really busy with this stupid pads of dedication quest
[10:36] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: may i? Tongue
[10:36] Knight236: defiant is the best for a reason--we try our best not to judge or control players --unless they are causing damage 2 org
[10:36] Knight236: please
[10:37] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: I'd like to tell you who made this all possible
[10:37] Zogon: could you please boot my 2 toons not know how to leave
[10:37] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: ><
[10:37] Defiantseye: ./org leave
[10:38] [Buddy] Rancrat logged on
[10:38] Dfnt: "Rancrat" (Level 39/0 - None, Male Nano Bureaucrat, Applicant of The Defiant) logged on. Main: Ranvisto ([link]Alts[/link])
[10:38] Epikenfo: wb rancrat
[10:38] Zogon: thanks
[10:38] Knight236: wb
[10:38] Relliks: hi Ran
[10:38] Maakay: hi crat
[10:38] Rancrat: ty and hello
[10:38] Defiantseye: wb
[10:38] Dfnt: [Guest] Johnic: I will be still listening just got a team
[10:38] Coprocessor: hey john escaped Tongue
[10:38] Coprocessor: this city needs a prison
[10:38] Knight236: lol
[10:38] Defiantseye: hehe
[10:39] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: Berael, for giving us 10 building structures to start out the city a long time ago
[10:39] Epikenfo: teehee
[10:39] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: Johnic, for helping with tradeskills
[10:39] Coprocessor: oh that's right, we should have locked berael and john up so we could honor them today
[10:39] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: And Pooopshooter, for giving us materials for 4 more buildings
[10:39] Heatherstone: Yay!
[10:39] Knight236: yep off to the dungon
[10:39] Coprocessor: thanks guys and girls (wherever you are)
[10:40] Knight236: Smiley
[10:40] Knight236: hatched----all i will say
[10:40] Defiantseye: !alts add Cratiquel
[10:40] Dfnt: Cratiquel has been registered as your alt.
[10:40] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: So, soon-ish we can build a Nano Powerup, a Notum Silo and possibly a Swimming Pool and Landing Pad, which will enhance the skills of the AI players among us!
[10:40] Knight236: leil / z more about city
[10:41] Epikenfo: a swimming pool would be kool
[10:41] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: Yeah, very
[10:41] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: Can only acces it with the AI expantion tho Sad
[10:41] Epikenfo: WOW!
[10:41] Heatherstone: I thot of that a month ago someone read my mind1
[10:41] Dfnt: [Guest] Ariensky: Leil, can you research which QL swimming pools are open and which are closed?
[10:41] Epikenfo: why does everything need AI!
[10:42] Siren48: So you'll buy it!
[10:42] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: Hmm... possibly could
[10:42] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: But would need a QL 1-99, a QL 100-199 viral serum for it
[10:42] Knight236: hmmm--where u going to stick a pool ? barside?
[10:42] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: oh infact i have a low one
[10:42] Epikenfo: is there anything for froobs that you can build?
[10:43] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: Well Epik, we do have the sidebar, and maybe we get a skybar too
[10:43] Heatherstone: yeah
[10:43] Dfnt: Urbaneng left the Guestchannel.
[10:43] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: And ofcourse the grid-house that enables even froobs to grid to the city
[10:43] Knight236: thought we had one?
[10:43] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: Yeah we have one, but yet to see if we have space to place it Smiley
[10:43] Dfnt: Zogon logged off
[10:43] Knight236: oh
[10:44] Epikenfo: whats with the buff-ige
[10:44] [Buddy] Zolstan logged on
[10:44] Dfnt: "Zolstan" (Level 34/0 - None, Male Solitus Engineer, Unit Member of The Defiant) logged on. Main: Zogon ([link]Alts[/link])
[10:45] Epikenfo: wb zolstan/zogon
[10:45] Heatherstone: hiyas Zol
[10:45] Defiantseye: brb
[10:45] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: Well that's all I had to say on city realy
[10:45] Dfnt: Zolstan logged off
[10:46] Knight236: who pissed on his corn flakes
[10:46] Dfnt: Defiantseye logged off
[10:46] Forver: I want everyone to know what happened
[10:46] Knight236: maybe we will get lucky an he will join eo
[10:46] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: He just randomly said it's not a nice org and left =(
[10:46] Epikenfo: who, zogon
[10:46] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: yeah
[10:46] Heatherstone: yeah
[10:46] Epikenfo: thats weir
[10:46] Forver: He asked for a team to do a raid and was ignored
[10:46] Epikenfo: weird
[10:47] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: When was that? I didn't see it
[10:47] [Buddy] Solidoctar logged on
[10:47] Dfnt: "Solidoctar" (Level 60/0 - None, Male Solitus Doctor, Applicant of The Defiant) logged on. Main: Defiantseye ([link]Alts[/link])
[10:47] Circuitweb: good morning
[10:47] Forver: Soon after someone else did a raid and didn't even invite him.
[10:47] Epikenfo: wb solidoctar
[10:47] Heatherstone: good morning Circuitweb
[10:47] Knight236: wb
[10:47] Solidoctar: thnx
[10:47] Relliks: hi Solid
[10:48] Epikenfo: what else is there to talk about?
[10:48] Coprocessor: what type of raid?
[10:49] Ghanimapl: and whats wrong with that, i asked about 10 times for help to get to adonis and almost every time were ignored, asked many time to paycheck on gms and also was ignored mostly, and more more more, and i dont leave.... well s##t happens, but what to do about that, org leave in 5 sec?
[10:49] Epikenfo: probably AI
[10:49] Dfnt: [Guest] Ariensky: help to get to Adonis: Ithat is really really tough, even I die when I try..
[10:49] Solidoctar: who i give stuff for banks 2?
[10:49] Heatherstone: no ghan, you are a trooper
[10:50] Epikenfo: whenever i ask for help with my pads of dedication quest, i get ignored also
[10:50] Ghanimapl: and zogon was general, dont know really/
[10:50] Epikenfo: well, not every time
[10:50] Solidoctar: i have a coupla things for bank who do i give 2?
[10:50] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: Zogon wasn't a general?
[10:50] Epikenfo: !whois zogon
[10:50] Dfnt: "Zogon" (Level 63/0 - None, Male Opifex Martial Artist, Neutral, Unit Leader of The Defiant) ¤ [link]click for more options[/link]
[10:51] Epikenfo: unit leader
[10:51] Ghanimapl: well like me, so???
[10:51] Dfnt: [Guest] Ariensky: I simply _can not_ garantee that I can get you to adonis.. hence I do nto offer my help. I guess others have it like me; they will not be able to garantee your safety.
[10:51] Forver: Well this goes along with the greeting, at least let someone know if you can't help that you heard them.
[10:51] Coprocessor: okay i just checked through the logs
[10:51] Coprocessor: everything seemed fine, over the last few weeks and even today
[10:52] Solidoctar: knight
[10:52] Coprocessor: i did see him ask for raid in the city before the meeting starts
[10:52] Knight236: yes?
[10:52] Solidoctar: stuff for banks Wink
[10:52] Epikenfo: i was soo tired, i don't even remember
[10:52] Ghanimapl: areinsky ok noone mayby 220 lvl will guarante to get to adonis, but in team we can easy get with help of eachother, thats why i ask for help, with team its easier, simply
[10:53] Knight236: ty will put in weps an armor
[10:53] Solidoctar: ill get my enfo ill try n help ya
[10:53] Forver: If it interefrere with meeting it can't be done.
[10:53] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: Well I think we'll have to get used to it not all the time ther's someone to answer to you due to being busy/afk...
[10:53] Coprocessor: it is creepy reviewing logs, it feels like time travel Tongue
[10:53] Epikenfo: lol
[10:53] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: Tell me about it, I went trough my earliest chat logs...
[10:53] Forver: LOL
[10:53] Knight236: morlocks-----------------eeek
[10:54] Dfnt: Solidoctar logged off
[10:54] Epikenfo: now what
[10:54] Dfnt: Enforcerox has joined the Guestchannel.
[10:54] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: End of meeting then?
[10:55] Epikenfo: hey enfo
[10:55] Relliks: Hi Enfo
[10:55] Dfnt: [Guest] Enforcerox: thnx
[10:55] Knight236: wb
[10:55] Coprocessor: knight have more topics?
[10:56] Knight236: am done its prez's floor an faithkeepers-then defiants
[10:56] Coprocessor: okay guys anyone does want to have a raid now after meeting?
[10:56] Epikenfo: not me
[10:56] Ghanimapl: why not, hehe Cheesy im in
[10:56] Heatherstone: I wanna watch *pouts*
[10:56] Coprocessor: it was to be a surprise but people could get killed and we might want to organize this more
[10:56] Epikenfo: can any1 help me finish my pads of dedication quest?
[10:56] Forver: One more item, PLANT TOWERS IF YOU CAN!!!!  VW has plenty room

after the meeting we decided to do an open AI raid in the city for any that wanted to come! while waiting meeting time changes were discussed ...
[11:05] Xikali: ok, so I definitely vote we move the meetings later..  I hope you guys realize I'm up at 9am on a sunday Tongue
[11:05] Epikenfo: im with xik
[11:06] Dfnt: [Guest] Ravemar: awwww
[11:06] Dfnt: [Guest] Ravemar: poor Xiqy
[11:06] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: 2 hours later then?
[11:06] Maakay: AI raid?
[11:06] Coprocessor: oh hey yes we didn't talk about that but we also wanted to have meetings maybe @ current time and then another meeting later in month @ different time and date
[11:06] Maakay: AI raid?
[11:06] Xikali: as late as possible would work better for me
[11:06] Dfnt: Relliks logged off
[11:06] Coprocessor: the decision was split between current time and 2 hours later
[11:07] Epikenfo: we could do meetings at this time
[11:07] Coprocessor: and one person for 3 hours later, when we had a vote
[11:07] Epikenfo: like now
[11:07] Maakay: will be an AI raid 2h later?
[11:07] Dfnt: [Guest] Leileena: this time is realy sucky for me :S
[11:07] Epikenfo: o
[11:07] Knight236: ty sir
[11:07] Coprocessor: also some wanted entirely different day and also to hold less meetings

the attacking aliens were levels 100-170 or so, the main assault team was composed of players outside the org to keep the amount and level of the aliens down some, since org members in the city influence the attacking aliens power, here's some screenshots ...

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